Registry: Exchanges

The registry exchange contract is used to find pools and query exchange rates for token swaps. It also provides a unified exchange API that can be useful for on-chain integrators.

Source code for this contract is available on Github.

Deployment Address

The exchange contract is registered in the address provider with ID 2. To get the current address:

>>> provider = Contract('0x0000000022D53366457F9d5E68Ec105046FC4383')
>>> provider.get_address(2)

Finding Pools and Swap Rates

Swaps.get_best_rate(_from: address, _to: address, _amount: uint256, _exclude_pools: address[8]) (address, uint256): view

Find the pool offering the best rate for a given swap.

  • _from: Address of coin being sent.

  • _to: Address of coin being received.

  • _amount: Quantity of _from being sent.

  • _exclude_pools: [optional] A list of up to 8 addresses which should be excluded from the query.

Returns the address of the pool offering the best rate, and the expected amount received in the swap.

Swaps.get_exchange_amount(_pool: address, _from: address, _to: address, _amount: uint256) uint256: view

Get the current number of coins received in an exchange.

  • _pool: Pool address.

  • _from: Address of coin to be sent.

  • _to: Address of coin to be received.

  • _amount: Quantity of _from to be sent.

Returns the quantity of _to to be received in the exchange.

Swapping Tokens address, _from: address, _to: address, _amount: uint256, _expected: uint256, _receiver: address = msg.sender) uint256: payable

Perform an token exchange using a specific pool.

  • _pool: Address of the pool to use for the swap.

  • _from: Address of coin being sent.

  • _to: Address of coin being received.

  • _amount: Quantity of _from being sent.

  • _expected: Minimum quantity of _to received in order for the transaction to succeed.

  • _receiver: Optional address to transfer the received tokens to. If not specified, defaults to the caller.

Returns the amount of _to received in the exchange.

Swaps.exchange_with_best_rate(_from: address, _to: address, _amount: uint256, _expected: uint256, _receiver: address = msg.sender) uint256: payable

Perform an exchange using the pool that offers the best rate.

  • _from: Address of coin being sent.

  • _to: Address of coin being received.

  • _amount: Quantity of _from being sent.

  • _expected: Minimum quantity of _to received in order for the transaction to succeed.

  • _receiver: Optional address to transfer the received tokens to. If not specified, defaults to the caller.

Returns the amount of _to received in the exchange.


This function queries the exchange rate for every pool where a swap between _to and _from is possible. For pairs that can be swapped in many pools this will result in very significant gas costs!